Statement of the Problem
Definition: Francine is a transfer student to Tony’s university. They hang out together frequently. Some students who have prejudice of racism always bother them and threaten them. Eventually Francine couldn’t take this life anymore. However, Tony insist of things will work out if they both have faith in their mind.
Analysis: As I said in class, if a common problem solved by two regular persons, then why we put a adjective “common” in it? In the first place, Francine and Tony they have their own right to choose their friends. However the situation is they cannot feel free to do that in their school because they live with some students have prejudice with racism.
Suggestion of possible solutions
A. They should break up.
B. They keep their relationship as low as they can. Also they should hang out with some other students that don’t have prejudice problem.
C. They should talk to their Dean or advisor to solve the problem more officially.
Evaluation of possible solutions
A. They should break up.
Advantages: It’s pretty cruel decision for them but at least it will make sure they wont get hurt if things continue go on.
Disadvantages: Maybe those students will still bother them because they may not let it go.
B. They keep their relationship as low as they can. Also they should hang out with some other students that don’t have prejudice problem.
Advantages: They can keep their relationship and get support from some students with advanced and opening thoughts. If things can work out, it may encourage more and more white people and African-American people have healthy relationships.
Disadvantages: It’s such a risk if they still hang out together. Also it may cause more and more conflicts between students have different sides in racism issue.
C. They should talk to their Dean or advisor to solve the problem more officially.
Advantages: School may solve this problem more officially and maturely. Because what those students did are kind of out of control. So it might be enlarge a serious problem.
Disadvantages: Maybe the school will ignore this problem because it’s not that common on campus. So they may not get any help from school.
Selection of a solution
B. They keep their relationship as low as they can. Also they should hang out with some other students that don’t have prejudice problem.
Justification: People have their own right to choose their friends. At same time, those students has prejudice of racism are so childish and boring. In my opinion, people should have to gain their own right and at the same time protect themselves very well. So I suggest they keep their relationship as low as they can, and then try to have some friends that support their relationship. Also if they always hang out bunch of people it will less obvious than only of them walk on campus together. So I think Suggestion B is not a bad idea for them.
Smoke Signals
Title: Smoke Signals
Director: Chris Eyre
Actors: Adam Beach, Evan Adams, Gary Farmer
Type: Comedy, Drama
Summary and Analysis
Victor and Thomas are the two main actors of this movie. Victor’s father, Arnold saved Thomas from a fire accident. However the fire took Thomas’s parents’ life. Thomas worshipped Arnold because Arnold saved his life. However, Victor doesn’t like his father that much because his father is an alcoholic and always committed domestic violence. Finally, Arnold left his wife and his son and move to Phoenix. One day, Victor decided to go to Arizona to visit his father but he has no money for trip. Thomas said he could afford for the trip but he need Victor take him to Phoenix together. Thus, they started their trip to Phoenix. When they arrived in Phoenix, they met Suzie Song, Arnold’s friend. She told numerous stories about Arnold to Victor and Thomas. Victor realized the reason why Arnold became an alcoholic because of he is the person caused the fire of Thomas’s house. Victor started to understand his father but his father already passed away. They cannot talk, play basketball and stay together anymore...
Relation to Case Study
In Chapter 10, those students who have prejudice of racism irritated Francine and Tony. Their relationship is suffered from this unfair social problem. Even Tony insisted of keep this relationship goes on but it is too childish. In the movie, Victor and Thomas also experienced the racism problem during the trip to Phoenix. For example, their appearances look like a stereotype Native American. Eventually Thomas bought a T-shirt looks like an American, but their long hair and personality cannot hide their identity. So, in case study and the movie, 4 of them have racism problem.
Reaction of the movie
chapter 12 - Vocabulary
Chapter 10 - Vocabulary
Definition: any preconceived opinion or feeling for an individual, a group or something.
Example: Hitler has a prejudice against Jewish people.
Definition: any preconceived opinion or feeling for an individual, a group or something.
Example: Hitler has a prejudice against Jewish people.
chapter 4 - Vocabulary

Definition: Feelings and opinions about something or someone.
Example: I have a positive attitude about the result of this game.
Definition: Feelings and opinions about something or someone.
Example: I have a positive attitude about the result of this game.
Definition: able to change easily to change something.
Example: I have a flexible timetable next semester.
Definition: able to change easily to change something.
Example: I have a flexible timetable next semester.
On time
Definition: never late
Example: He always is being on time.
Chapter 3 - Vocabulary

Definition: limiting someone's freedom or their wishExample: My parents is strict with me.
ImposeDefinition: to establish something as a rule to force people accepted
Example: Don't try to impose your wishes on us.
Definition: agree to disaggree on same thing
Example: Finally I compromised his point.

Definition: feel uncomfortable, depressed when people far away from home.
Example: The mainly reason that he left from school is because he was homesick.
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