Statement of the Problem
Igor Zakarov pays someone money to write his research paper because he has a really busy time at the end of semester. Then his professor considers Igor plagiarized the paper and ask him to write an abstract. Certainly, Igor feels so bad and regret about plagiarism.
Igor Zakarov plagiarizes the research paper because he knew some Russian students had done the plagiarism before and published ideas belongs to everybody in Russia so plagiarism was not treated in the same way in Russia as in U.S. Plus he had a really busy time and he is lazy. Besides George always entices Igor how nice the paper will be. Thus, Igor decides to plagiarize the paper.
Suggestion of possible solutions
A. Telling the truth to professor and do what professor wish.
B. Igor can continually patch up the lie.
C. Igor can ask to retake this course.
Evaluation of possible solutions
A. Telling the truth to professor and do what professor wish.
Advantages: He can talk honestly to his professor and explain the tough situation that he was. Besides, he doesn’t know how bad the plagiarism will causes because his country’s custom is not same as USA. Professor may appreciate, understand and forgive Igor because he can be honest guileless when he made a mistake. Maybe professor will ask him for another research letter instead the last one which he plagiarized.
Disadvantages: Professor feels angrier after he knows the truth. He might deal this problem as the school's rules. Therefore, Igor will be expelled by school as plagiarism. Igor’s mistake will ruin his college life and his future.
B. Igor can continually patch up the lie.
Advantages: Perhaps he can fudge if he keeps lying to his professor. Basic on his good record, if he was lucky, the professor thinks he misunderstood Igor and gives him a high score. The score contributes his final GPA. What’ more, he definitely will absorb some lessons from this dangerous experience. He will revalue the aftermath of plagiarism.
Disadvantages: Professor will easily find that Igor bluffed then he will expel Igor without thinking. Even professor didn't find he plagiarized the paper finally; Igor will think plagiarism is a good way to trough the research paper. And he will absolutely try to plagiarize next time. If he really keep plagiarism, sooner or later there will be hell to pay.
C. Igor can ask to retake this course.
Advantages: Igor should ask for professor to retake this course to express how regret and bad he feels. Professor knows Igor has a great sense of uplift. He will forgive him and give him a chance to retake this course.
Disadvantages: Igor originally wants to graduate earlier, but it will slow his step. He will feel bad because one wrong step ruin his whole plan.
Selection of a solution
A. Telling the truth to professor and do what professor wish.
Justification: Igor should tell his professor the truth. Although it take a expel risk to do this. But he may not have too much choices after he choose plagiarism. Basic on his good record and the tough situation, plus he doesn’t know that plagiarism is such a serious mistake in America. Somehow, professor will understand about him basic on his good record and the attitude that he wants to get a high score even he pick a wrong way to do that. Even the professor report to university that Igor plagiarism, then Igor will not feel guilty because he has already confess the truth to professor. In this case, Professor knows that Igor is not a bad student at all, maybe he just made a mistake temporarily. So Basically, he should tell the professor the truth.
Case Study: Chapter 1. Mei's Solution.
Statement of the problem
A. Definition
Mei Chang, a sophomore from china, having some troubles with her course because her English ability is not good enough for academic. Mei doesn’t participate her English class hence her English teacher, Krammer, warned Mei that she may failed if she still contain this attitude. Mei misunderstood her teacher and give up the course.
B. Analysis
Mei’s attitude about English is too negative especially she gave up the course finally. That is totally inappropriate. She felt bad and she cannot feel what she did is bad.
A. Mei should talk to her professor first she felt English is difficult to her. Drop class is not a good solution.
B. Mei should work harder because she will never get to a better level without practice.
C. She needs to participate the class and find a study partner to practice together.
Evaluations of solution
A. Advantages: communicate more might solve the miscommunication. Let the professor knows her problem, and help her to figure out the problem.
Disadvantages: Force Mei to talk the professor that she not like is a negative motivation. It might influence her more badly.
B. Advantages: Whether she drop the class. The fact is she needs practice her English. Avoide the problem is not the way to success. Thus, participate is not a bad thing for her.
Disadvantages: I can’t find any disadvantages about this solution.
C. Advantages: She can make friends and practice at same time. Solving the problem together is much better than face it alone.
Disadvantages: she might feel bad or less confident if her friend English is better than her.
Section of a Solution
A. Choice: (B) Mei should work harder because she will never get to a better level without practice.
A. Definition
Mei Chang, a sophomore from china, having some troubles with her course because her English ability is not good enough for academic. Mei doesn’t participate her English class hence her English teacher, Krammer, warned Mei that she may failed if she still contain this attitude. Mei misunderstood her teacher and give up the course.
B. Analysis
Mei’s attitude about English is too negative especially she gave up the course finally. That is totally inappropriate. She felt bad and she cannot feel what she did is bad.
A. Mei should talk to her professor first she felt English is difficult to her. Drop class is not a good solution.
B. Mei should work harder because she will never get to a better level without practice.
C. She needs to participate the class and find a study partner to practice together.
Evaluations of solution
A. Advantages: communicate more might solve the miscommunication. Let the professor knows her problem, and help her to figure out the problem.
Disadvantages: Force Mei to talk the professor that she not like is a negative motivation. It might influence her more badly.
B. Advantages: Whether she drop the class. The fact is she needs practice her English. Avoide the problem is not the way to success. Thus, participate is not a bad thing for her.
Disadvantages: I can’t find any disadvantages about this solution.
C. Advantages: She can make friends and practice at same time. Solving the problem together is much better than face it alone.
Disadvantages: she might feel bad or less confident if her friend English is better than her.
Section of a Solution
A. Choice: (B) Mei should work harder because she will never get to a better level without practice.
Stand and Deliver

Title of Film:
Director of Film: Ramón Menéndez
Actors: Edward James Olmos (Jaime A. Escalante), Lou Diamond Phillips (Angel Guzman).
Type of Film: Drama.
Summary and Analysis
"Kimo" Jaime Escalante is a math teacher in Garfield high school. The school is located at Los Angeles and full of Hispanic students. Most of them are gangsters which don't care about their school learning at all. At first time, students don't believe Mr.E will change anything of their life due to their neighborhood, family business and so on. Instead of original teaching method, Mr.E adopts some unusual and unique ways to encourages, threatens and stimulates these idle students without clear life goals. In this period, gang students start strike up relationship with their teacher and like mathematics. Finally, 18 students pass the AP Calculus exam and regain their confidences by Mr.E's help. But the ETS considers their amazing scores and same wrongs are basic on cheat. Mr.E has a quarrel with the officers and gets a retake chance for them. The students still all pass the exam. The movie is based on true story.
Relation to Case Study
In the case study about Mei and this movie, we see that communications between students and teachers both happened in two stories. In case study, Mei has miscommunication with her English teacher and feels so sad that she give up the course. Mr.E knows his students then choose the best fit teaching method to communicate with them. Thus, we can learn from these two cases that the communication is extremely important between teacher and student.

Reaction to Film
I like this movie for 2 reasons. First of all is my favorite photographer Estevan Oriol's photos always related about the Hispanish life in California. So at the beginning of the movie, I had a cordial feeling from Angel Guzman's appearance and performance. Secondly, it reminds my math class in my high school. We too have 10 minitues quiz every class. We were suffered from those quizes everyday. Now when I look back, I was really encouraged by that "quiz policy". A good teacher should know how to communicate with his/her students thus it maximal helps students on their study. And I was really happy for them all pass the exam twice. I will recommend this movie to my friends
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