Title of Film:
Director of Film: Ramón Menéndez
Actors: Edward James Olmos (Jaime A. Escalante), Lou Diamond Phillips (Angel Guzman).
Type of Film: Drama.
Summary and Analysis
"Kimo" Jaime Escalante is a math teacher in Garfield high school. The school is located at Los Angeles and full of Hispanic students. Most of them are gangsters which don't care about their school learning at all. At first time, students don't believe Mr.E will change anything of their life due to their neighborhood, family business and so on. Instead of original teaching method, Mr.E adopts some unusual and unique ways to encourages, threatens and stimulates these idle students without clear life goals. In this period, gang students start strike up relationship with their teacher and like mathematics. Finally, 18 students pass the AP Calculus exam and regain their confidences by Mr.E's help. But the ETS considers their amazing scores and same wrongs are basic on cheat. Mr.E has a quarrel with the officers and gets a retake chance for them. The students still all pass the exam. The movie is based on true story.
Relation to Case Study
In the case study about Mei and this movie, we see that communications between students and teachers both happened in two stories. In case study, Mei has miscommunication with her English teacher and feels so sad that she give up the course. Mr.E knows his students then choose the best fit teaching method to communicate with them. Thus, we can learn from these two cases that the communication is extremely important between teacher and student.

Reaction to Film
I like this movie for 2 reasons. First of all is my favorite photographer Estevan Oriol's photos always related about the Hispanish life in California. So at the beginning of the movie, I had a cordial feeling from Angel Guzman's appearance and performance. Secondly, it reminds my math class in my high school. We too have 10 minitues quiz every class. We were suffered from those quizes everyday. Now when I look back, I was really encouraged by that "quiz policy". A good teacher should know how to communicate with his/her students thus it maximal helps students on their study. And I was really happy for them all pass the exam twice. I will recommend this movie to my friends