Title of Film:
Director of Film: Sofia Coppola
Actors: Scarlett Johansson (Charlotte) and Bill Murray (Bob Harris).
Type of Film: Romance, Drama.
Summary and Analysis
Bob Harris is a famous star, he visit to Tokyo for a whiskey commercial. He meet Charlotte at the hotel he lives. Charlotte is a young girl who accompanied her husband for working, loneness causes her starts confuse her marriage and her current life. Bob already pass his age, just like Hugh Grant in . Both of them suffer from the insomnia, languages difference and the culture gap between western and eastern. They meet at the bar of the hotel and feel like old friends at the first meet. After more and more continually contact, they make each other's life extremely happy and richly colorful then before. But time flies, Bob finished the commercial shooting and time for him to go back to U.S. The happy life that they finally founded has to be cutted cruelly. Maybe Bob is the exactly Mr. Right for Charlotte. Frustratingly, both of them have to go back to reality that they feel perplexed and depressed. On the street, Bob holds Charlotte and whispers the last words between them. Wise Charlotte keeps saying "Okay Okay..."
Relation to Case Study
In the case and , we can see helpless caused by the culture shocks and the languages gap. Dita feels lonely and helpless for reason of her lack of openness made she cannot make friends and hang out with Americans.
Bob feels helpless as his career plus he appears to a unknown country. As a celebrity, he cannot have a relationship as he wish; also he has to keep his thoughts in his mind. What's more, Charlotte feels confused due to as a Harvard student she still are finding her right place in this world. Finally she founds Harris, but she had to give up the short happiness because the reality cannot allow this relationship keeps go on.
Reaction to Film
I adored even the temple was slow but it really touched my emotion in my deep heart. And another reason I like this movie because of Scarlett Johansson is one of my favorite actress. First the culture shocks really depressed people who are experiencing it. Besides the culture difference, the ending of this movie, a serious relationship had to ended make the atmosphere was full of sadness. In addition, Scarlett Johansson is an amazing actress with wonderful body but in this movie audiences are more focus on her impeccable acting than her good looking.
